Main CGDive Projects YouTube Rigging Course Addon Directory CGDive Academy Latest Tutorials and Articles “Rig Anything with Rigify” Chapter 3: The Prebuilt MetaRigs (Human and Quadruped) “Rig Anything with Rigify” Chapter 3: The Prebuilt MetaRigs (Human and Quadruped) • May 4, 2020 “Rig Anything with Rigify Chapter 2: The Rigify Workflow “Rig Anything with Rigify Chapter 2: The Rigify Workflow • April 23, 2020 Rig Anything with Rigify. Chapter 1: Rigging in Blender (basics) Rig Anything with Rigify. Chapter 1: Rigging in Blender (basics) • April 22, 2020 “Rig Anything with Rigify”: Tutorial Series Intro “Rig Anything with Rigify”: Tutorial Series Intro • April 21, 2020 Humpback Whale Modeling in Blender (Part 4 Texturing in Substance Painter) Humpback Whale Modeling in Blender (Part 4 Texturing in Substance Painter) • April 10, 2020 Humpback Whale Modeling in Blender (Part 3 Sculpting) Humpback Whale Modeling in Blender (Part 3 Sculpting) • April 10, 2020 Humpback Whale Modeling in Blender (Part 2 UV Unwrapping) Humpback Whale Modeling in Blender (Part 2 UV Unwrapping) • April 10, 2020 Humpback Whale Modeling in Blender (Part 1) Humpback Whale Modeling in Blender (Part 1) • April 9, 2020 Automation in Blender: 8 ways to simplify repetitive tasks. Automation in Blender: 8 ways to simplify repetitive tasks. • December 6, 2019 Rendering from the command line in Blender: Part 2 – down the rabbit hole Rendering from the command line in Blender: Part 2 – down the rabbit hole • August 27, 2019 Blender – improve render stability 100% by rendering from the command line Blender – improve render stability 100% by rendering from the command line • August 17, 2019 More ways to start freelancing and get clients More ways to start freelancing and get clients • August 13, 2019