About Todor


My name is Todor. I am a freelance CG generalist… or at least I used to be. These days I mostly create stuff for CGDive” and I love it.
Aside from CG, I am also slowly gaining experience as a dad. I think there is a surprising similarity between CG and parenting: both can be frustrating but ultimately highly rewarding.

CG Dive

About CGdive

CGDive (“dive”, not “dRive” 🙂 ) offers in-depth CG education. We do “deep dives” into different topics related to computer graphics. We extract the important information. Then we deliver to you practical lessons that will make your work faster and more enjoyable. 

While most people know of CGDive as a “youtube channel about rigging in Blender”, our deeper mission is to make computer graphics more accessible to everyone.