Manual Rigging Series (“Rigging isn’t Scary”)
This is the 2nd post in my series about learning Manual Rigging in Blender. Find all posts in order here:
Course Updates
As you may know, I am currently working (full time) on a new course about Manual Rigging… A course that is designed to finally “unconfuse” the rigging process. And I have another update for you!
So what’s new with the course?
I am happy to say that the first two Levels of the course (Beginner and Novice) are almost complete. Stay tuned for early access info!
Building Castles in the Sky
Here is the main topic for today.
A pattern I see when it comes to learning rigging is that people try to skip the fundamentals and get straight to the cool/fun/advanced stuff: rigging tails, tentacles, clothing, etc., etc.
And I get it, of course we do. We see the pro riggers posting fancy stuff on social media and we want to be able to do the same.
Unfortunately it doesn’t quite work this way. What you don’t see on social media is all the underlying knowledge and experience that allow them to create the cool stuff. Illustrated by this image:
Fundamentals, Fundamentals, Fundamentals
That is why “Rigging isn’t Scary” will not teach you how to rig “tails, tentacles, clothing, etc., etc” (that will be covered in future advanced courses) but it focuses on Fundamentals, Fundamentals, and some more Fundamentals.
Because Fundamentals are what enables you to make the advanced stuff.
Honestly, the information about the advanced stuff is already out there. I am also planning to make CGDive series about specific advanced techniques.
But you cannot make use of them if you lack basic foundational skills.
So who is “Rigging isn’t Scary” for?
The upcoming course is for anyone who still feels confused by Manual Rigging.
Even if you are not a beginner and can get some rigging work done… but then you get stuck as soon as you have to go out of your usual comfort zone… I hope you give the course a try when it’s out.
I am compressing as much fundamental info as possible into it. That will give you a fuller picture of rigging, and things will start to “click” and make sense.
I am also very careful with the pacing.
It’s not a fast “let’s get this rig done” course.
It’s a deliberate “let’s understand what we did” course.
Feedback is welcome
Since the course is not 100% finalized yet, your feedback can still help me determine what to cover. Just reply to this email.
Todor / CGDive